0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | DOR.EXE | | COPYRIGHT (C) 1990 Tim Ward | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOR.EXE By Tim Ward, May 1990. Copyright (C) 1990 Tim Ward V4.4, June 1992 DOR.EXE is **NOT** Free software and is **NOT** Public Domain. DOR is provided AS IS ONLY. The author provides NO warranties, expressed or implied, and is NOT liable for any damage caused by the use or inability to use this program. DOR.EXE may be distributed freely, as long as the distribution package includes all the text documentation files. You may evaluate DOR for a 15-day period. If you still use DOR after this, you are expected to send a registration fee. Registration of DOR 4.4 entitles you to a copy of DOR 5.2R, which now has support for multiple drives and multiple drive searching based on drive type. DOR.EXE is NOT public domain software. If you use it, please send a registration of $15 (individual) or $25 (organization) to me Tim Ward, c/o The Enchanter's Lair 131 Naples St. Corpus Christi TX 78404-1828 Look out for other programs from Kawonk Experimental Software Projects, such as the RUNCIBAL QUEST adventure games. The DOR v4.4 package comes with the follwoing files. You may *not* distribute DOR without these files. DOR.EXE - v4.4, the main program. DOR.DOC - v4.4, this document file. REGISDOR.TXT - A registration form to print and mail. DORSUMRY.TXT - A summary of DOR commands. 1 FOR DOS 3.00 or greater Many people are often annoyed by the DIR command built-in to DOS. They say that it doesn't really tell them what they want to know, and users on color systems especially complain about that bland monochromatic text that DOS likes to throw at them. DOR was an effort to correct some of these minor deficiencies. Actually, DOR does far more than DIR, and can and does perform features found in DOS's CHKDSK command, in the SIZE command that some users may be familiar with, and also the LOCATE command. With DOR, you can list all files on your disk at once. If you wanted to make a file containing a list of all files currently on your disk, you would simply enter a command like "DOR \*.*/E-D > MYFILES.LOG" DOR can also calculate how much space files REALLY take up on your disk, as with the SIZE program. It of course, like DOS's DIR, gives you a count of how many files, and the amount of free space left on the drive, as well as the total capacity of the disk. You should note, that to retain similarity to DIR, the file count includes any subdirectories, UNLESS YOU INCLUDE THE "/E" PARAMETER. Unlike DIR and other utilities, DOR automatically inserts COMMAS into number to make them more readable *. It tries to find out the total memory of your system (under DOS, it will probably only find 640K maximum - an early silly oversight on the part of IBM (DOR does not search for extended or expanded RAM. If your system has more, it may not be reported )) and the amount free at the time (Naturally, it tries to underestimate if possible, and takes into account some of its own size.) To get help with the DOR syntax, simply enter "DOR /?" at the DOS prompt. "DOR /??" gives more help. "DOR /INFO" gives more information. DOR is probably of more use to you if you occasionally "loose" hidden and system files. And yes,DOR can search through hidden and system subdirectories. It can display files in two columns, one column plus either file attributes, plain, or real space used on disk, or four columns like BASICA's FILES. To terminate the listing of filenames, use either Ctrl-C or the Esc key. (DOR unfortunately still does not recognize the Ctrl-Break sequence.). NOTE: This might not always seem to work DOR V2.1 has a few changes over its previous incarnation, mainly in the way it treats hidden and system files, along with some code refinements to improve the way it handles subdirectory listings. Example - "DOR \D*" will list all directories starting with "D" that are one level down from the root directory. It also handles user key input better. Also improved is the way DOR recovers from errors or user breaks, and the way it handles subdirectories. (see note on following page) 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directories and subdirectories. DIR can usually find the subdirectory that you are referring to. DOR tries its hardest to see which subdirectory you want to look into. Say that your hard disk had a directory called "QUUX" and that you now were in directory "FOO", and you issued the command "DOR QUUX" . DOR would first look to see if there is a file called "QUUX" in the directory FOO. It would then attempt to see if there was a subdirectory of FOO called QUUX. Failing all else, it would then proceed to see if there was a directory called FOO one level down from the root directory (i.e. "\FOO"). Sometimes DOR does show you a directory that you didn't want, this occurs only when you misspell the name of directory/file that you wanted to see, and THIS IS YOUR OWN FAULT ! Otherwise, it should show you what you want. Experiment! You might not guess offhand that the easiest way to list all files on the disk was "DOR \/e+s+h" You don't actually need to put spaces in separating the parameters. June 14, 1990. ---------------------------------------------------------->THaW<------------ Changes: I have done a bit of minor rework to ensure more graceful exits from certain error conditions (whereas before you might have been left in a different directory from that which you started in), and cleared up a bit of confusion about disks that have no volume label. Also have corrected a minor misfeature that was noticeable only to users with a mono system (such as myself !!) NOTE: Some people have asked about the /2 switch. In this listing mode, a "R" will be displayed next to the file size if it is READ-ONLY. Also, in this mode, files that have a "N" on their line DO NOT have the usual archive bit set. A "*" appearing on the file's line indicates that it is unusual, either in being READ-ONLY,HIDDEN,SYSTEM, or not having the ARC bit set. That's all that it means, really. Sorry if there was some confusion. June 21, 1990. ----------------------------------------------------------->THaW<--------------- 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision : V4.2.-1 It's been quite some time now, and I've still been using DOR all this time and just living with most of its problems, because I never got round to making any serious changes. Well, this isn't really the release I'd intended, that will be soon, though. Now: Easier to break out of listing with Ctrl-C or [Esc] keys. Subdirectory display handled better during subdirectory searches. New /ND switch gives Decimal values of charcaters in file names (easier to enter using the [Alt]-Numeric Keypad approach. Colors changed- all colors are bright on All video cards, except for ones which are by definition monochrome ie Herc, MDA. - This was changed the first time I used it on a VGA mono system. Sorry guys, I didn't realize how nasty it looked ! The "File size on target disk" feature works. To specify you want file sizes for a different drive use something like "DOR ]a:". Before, if the colon was entered there would be an error. * Format of various numbers loose the commas when the number gets too big. This is for those larger hard drives, which I hadn't considered last time. See also "/," "R" and "N" indicators don't show up for directories on short listing "/B" option added. Date and time functions functional. Still working on the sorted directory listings. This may create problems, I might have to ban using the /E switch for large drives (otherwise we might have to try loading all the directory information for a 3GB drive if someone tried the wrong command.) I purposely have until now avoided the sorted directory listing . Why ?? Well, if I was going to do that, I might as well go ahead and make a whole file manager program, because all the directory info would have to be loaded into memory before sorting, which takes time and globs extra code (and expecially memory overhead.), depending on *how* you want the listing sorted. I'm not sure, either, if anyone could remember another N^X switches !! \ March 4, 1992. --------------------------------------------------------->THaW<--------- This is where the document file continues, but a ^Z ended up in most. Corrected problem with "/B" switch in 4.21. Added "/," switch in 4.25. Corrected DOR.DOC file. March 23, 1992. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Realized why combining date switches wasn't working. Corrected number alignment problem in footer (large disk sizes) Revamped way that DOR processes command line. Expanded docs. Added size switches. Changed /N switch to /NH for consistency. Recolored some text. Added a few more switches, included COUNTRY support. Slashed messy code. DOR v4.3 March 28, 1992. 4 Fixed printing problem with /B switch, added support for environment switches (and override!) . DOR v4.4. Completed support for multiple drives DOR v5.2R July 23, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is a sample of the output from DOR, of my E: drive (which is a logical drive assigned to Hard Disk #1) Volume label of drive E: is : Rumpus WQQ? Directory of E:\ DOR43 DOC 22,625 3-25-92 10:03p ARC DOR43 EXE 68,854 3-28-92 5:40p ARC DOR43 ZIP 54,231 3-27-92 10:23a ARC D1 TXT 1,371 3-27-92 7:28p ARC D2 TXT 1,427 3-27-92 1:28p ARC D3 TXT 0 3-28-92 3:41a ARC 148,525 (163,909) Bytes 364,544 disk bytes total 640K total DOS memory 6 Files 204,800 disk bytes free 541,380 bytes free First, DOR gives the disk label, and the current directory, in this case, the root of E: Each file is listed as follows: File Name [+ extension] File Size (with comma seperators for files less than 10MB big) [for files larger than 10MB, if you want a comma-delimited size, you might have to just use the /Z switch] File Date (last two digits of year only displayed) see note on COUNTRY File Time (Twelve-hour format, with "a" for A.M., "p" for P.M.) see the /C switch for 12/24 hour clock File attributes (in this case, only the ARC bits are set) The last two lines provide further information. The first number if the total space required for the selected files, as determined by adding their nominal filesizes (commas disappear when this number is over 10MB) (also, when the "/," switch is specified) The second number (in brackets) is the actual amount of space taken up on the disk by the files (which is usually different from the first.) (commas disappear when this number is over 100MB) The third number is the drive capacity in bytes The fourth number is the amount of RAM total reported by DOS (this will not include extended or expanded memory) On the second line, DOR totals the number of files [similar to DIR, directories are counted as files, unless subdirectory searching is specified for DOR's command line, in which case they are not. DOR generally knows the difference between files and directories] Next is the amount of space free on the drive. Lastly on this line, the amount of memory that DOS reports as being free [this is probably not the same amount given by CHKDSK, because I just estimated the worst case scenario for DOR's memory requirements, which may vary between machines, and command lines] 5 DOR [d:][\path\][filename.ext] [options] [ }t: ] (External) (C) 1990, 1992 Tim Ward V4.4 Shows all files and subdirectories on the specified drive, or on the default drive if no drive is specified. Includes hidden and system files. Filename is color-coded according to file attributes. Displays total size of selected files on disk. Includes total and free drive space & memory. If t: is included, file sizes calculated for specified other drive. -A = Do not include files with arc bit set /A = list only files with arc -D = Do not include subdirectories /D = list only directories -L = Don't show individual file data /L = display file data only -R = Do not include read-only files /R = list only read-only files +S = Include system files /S = list only system files +H = Include hidden files /H = list only hidden files /NH= Display hex dump of file name /E = Search in subdirectories /ND= Display decimal dump of file name /P = Pause after every page /Z = Display actual space used on disk by each file /2 = Display two columns of file listings. /4 = Ultrawide. Four columns, filenames only /INFO = More information /? = Displays this syntax help listing /?? = Help Page 2 (Page Two Help Screen...) DOR [d:][\path\][filename.ext] [options] [ }t: ] (External) (C) 1990, 1992 Tim Ward V4.4 /+ All files dated today or after /: Files with time after now /- All files dated before today /; Files with time before now /= All files dated today /:HH:MM Files after certain time /;HH:MM Files before certain time /=MM-DD-YYYY files dated on particular date Where HH = Hour(1 - 24), /-MM-DD-YYYY files before particular date MM = Minutes /+MM-DD-YYYY files on or after certain date Or format = HH:MMp Where MM=Month,DD=Day,YYYY=Year or format = HH: MMa ** May be used to replace MM DD HH or MM. **** May be used to replace YYYY /O Overide environment switches /(nn...nn Files with size less than nn...nn /)nn...nn Files with sizes greater than nn...nn where 0 <= nn...nn < 999,999,999 (may include commas) /B Print files with full drive + Backslash path name. /, Removes all commas from all numbers in listing /C Toggle 12/24 clock format -N Ignore network drives -J Ignore logical drives -F Ignore floppy drives, removable drives /INFO = More information /? =Display Help page one /?? = Displays this syntax help listing Examples Follow.......... DOR \*.TXT /E /P Displays all files with TXT extension, starting in the root directory, and searching all subdirectories ["/E"], Pausing every time the screen fills up ["/P"]. DOR /+01-01-1992 Finds all files in current directory that were date stamped on or after Jan 1st, 1992. DOR \/E /:17:00 /;20:00 Starts in the root directory ["\"] and searches all sub- directories ["/E"], finding files with time stamps After 5 P.M. ["/:17:00"], but with time stamps before 8 P.M. ["/;20:00"] 6 => If using both the /+ and /- date switches, put the /+ first !!! => If using both the /: and /; time switches, put the /: first !!! DOR *.ASM /; Finds all files in the current directory with the ASM extension that have time stamps before what the system clock is currently set to. DOR \/E /R /=02-**-1991 Starts in the root directory ["\"] and searches all sub- directories ["/E"] for files that are set to READ-ONLY ["/R"], that were dated for ANY DAY in February 1991 ["/=" means date equals to, "02" specifies February, "1991" is the year, and "**" matches for any day.] DOR \/E /=03-01-**** Starts in the root directory ["\"], and searches all sub- directories for files with a date stamp for April Fool's Day in any year. DOR *.DOC /(40000 Find all files with extension of DOC that are less than 40,000 bytes in length. DOR *.DBK /)50,000,000 Find all files with a DBK extension that are greater than 50,000,000 bytes large DOR \/E /+ /B >files.lst Ahah! Starting in the root directory, searching all sub- directories, with files stamped with the same date now set on the system clock (or later,) specifies the file by full drive:path\filename.extension, and writes this to the file files.lst. This gives a nice easy way to specify a list of files for backup purposes by a program such as, oh, um, PCCOPY. Do note that DOR is flexible when specifing date and/or time ranges. => If using both the /+ and /- date switches, put the /+ first !!! DOR *.C /Z }B: Finds all files in the current directory with the extension "C", and shows you how much space each [and cumulatively] they take up on drive B: ---> Useful for when copying files to floppies. Disk information shown will also pertain to drive B: DOR *.WK1 }B: As above, but does not show amount of space required for individual files. DOR /L |SORT Provides a sorted listing. @ DOR /L |SORT /+14 sorted by size. @ DOR /L |SORT /+26 sorted by date. @ DOR /L /C |SORT /+35 sorted by time. @ DOR /L |SORT /+41 sorted by "unordinary attribute flag" @ DOR /L |SORT /+43 sorted by file attributes. @ If you use DOR /2, /4, or /B options, using |SORT /+n isn't probably a very good idea. 7 DOR \ /E /B /L |SORT >COMPLETE.LST Finds all files on the current disk, passes them as drive:path\filename.extension listing to the DOS Sort utility, and then writes them to the file COMPLETE.LST, which contains an sorted list of all the files on the disk. Note: Specifying "/L" will cause dor not to print drive & memory info, or directory names or disk name.... DOR then simply gives file data. HINT: If you are going to redirect output from DOR using > >> or | ,then it makes life much easier for you NOT to use the "/P" option. [I mention this because it won't work !!] use something like this: DOR /L |SORT |MORE I have tried to idiot-proof this, however, it might not be enough. /, Removes all commas in the file, disk & memory sizes, for those who dislike easy-to-read numbers, and for compatiblity with DIR. In General: When specifying file sizes using "/(" or "/)", it doesn't bother DOR if you put commas in the number or not, it just skips them. If you put a space in the number,DOR will think you meant the end of that number. When specifying a time, for the "/:" or "/;" switches, either "17:00" or "05:00P" will give the same result, 5 PM. Dates.... [COUNTRY=] If you have in your CONFIG.SYS a line such as COUNTRY=xx, where xx does not equal 1 (U.S.), then DOR may treat the date format differently, for both directory listing, *AND* specifying dates for /+ /= or /-. For example, if I have COUNTRY set to 44 (U.K.) and wish to search for files dated after March 1, 1991, I use "DOR /+01-03-1991". If you implicitly specify a YY-MM-DD format for display (Japan), the specification format for /+ /= or /- is unchanged. It the format listed on help page two "/??" will be correct for the machine you're using. (What a great idea :-<) For v4.3, the old "/N" switch has been changed to "/NH" ("Name Hex"). It helps when options are specified on the command line before the filespec / drive/ path data. When breaking down the command line, DOR looks for "/ND",& "/NH", then date and time switches, then proceeds to strip anything that follows a "/" , "+" or a "-" from its input. This means that you can't use these characters in specifying file names (filenames containing the characters are still listable). If you enter an line such as "DOR *.FOR /$", DOR will ignore the "/$", and go ahead and list the files. This is changed somewhat from earlier versions of DOR, where switches were stripped on a one-by-one basis, and unrecognised switches caused errors (usually, DOR returns "0 files found" if something goes wrong) 8 What's new in 4.4? The -I switch has been changed to -F, which seems more obvious. For users of 4.4 or less, this won't make much difference. The "problem" of double-listing a subdirectory has been eliminated. The major addition to DOR has been support for switches set in the environment section of DOS. This means that if you routinely use DOR with certain switches, you don't have to enter them every time. For example, if you want the /2 and /P switches to always be used, enter the line 'SET DORCMD= /2/P ' at the DOS prompt, or insert it into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (if you think you know what you're doing). When DOR runs, it checks the environment for the 'DORCMD=' statement. In this case, DOR would then automagically set the /2 and /p options. To override switches set in the environment, put /O in your command line. In this case "DOR /O" would give a normal listing, even if DORCMD had been set to "/2/P" in the environment section. If the Override ("/O") option is not specified in the command line, then the options used will be those set by the command line AND those set in the environment by "DORCMD=". Putting a "/O" in the environment section, (like somebody probably will try to) has no effect. What's New in v5.2R ? Briefly, support for multiple drives. You can specify a list of drives ie "C: D: E:" or you can select all valid drives "*:". But wait, you ask, what if I've SUBSTituted some drive letters, will those files be listed twice ? Not with the -J option. What if I don't want to list my floppy drives? Use the -F option. What if I don't want a listing of files on network drives? Use the -N option. Dor 5.2R contains more formatting options, drive type listing, volume serial number & creation date, detection of DouubleSpace, etc. etc. In fact, there's another entire page of help listings. Similarly, options include /J (logical drives only) /NO (Network drives only) /F (floppies or other removable drives only). How do I get DOR v5.2R ? The version number is an indicator! 5.2R for "Registered". Print out the REGISDOR.DOC, enclose payment, and mail it to me. 9 The Future: I still run into some problems now and then which require changes to the code, which ends up as different from the previous versions. I try to get things working before releasing a new version, but this doesn't always work, as I don't spot all the problems (and potential problems) myself. However, v5.2R has incorporated many suggestions received, and has been thouroughly pre-tested. DOR v4.4 is the last in the series to be released as sharware. this simply means that all future verions will be available only to registered users of DOR v4.4 or earlier. DOR v5.2R works with multiple drives,and can list files across multiple drives, with error-checking for drives that are not ready (such as floppies or removable hard disks),much in the way other programs can. DOR v5.2R is a version available only to those who have registered their copy of DOR. As of v4.4, the minimum registration fee is set at $15 for individuals and $25 for organizations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOR is just another example of the mindless creations brought about by Kawonk Experimental Software Projects. Later this year we hope to have a prototype of the adventure game RUNCIBAL QUEST ready for release. Or, wait for the (possible but at the moment improbable) release of the popular arcade game, "Revenge of the Ovuloid Citruses." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments ? Complaints ?? Unusual personality disorders ?? Send a letter or postcard. [even if you are not going to pay the measly registration fee, tell me if you find any redeeming value in the program] Customized versions (such as if you want the +S and +H switches set to ON all the time)/ source code may be available for a fee. And yes, I *do* know that DOR does not work on all machines, at least DOR now checks for your DOS version. It seems to dislike very old BIOS versions, still.